E N F O R C E M E N T   AND   C O M P L I A N C E

Is your situation caused by a foreign government-imposed barrier?

It requires investigation to determine whether foreign government action or lack of action is the cause of a trade barrier.

We are happy to review your situation with you and if warranted, investigate these complaints.

Some trade complaints are clearly not caused by foreign government policies, practices, or procedures and are best handled by other government agencies or programs.

We encourage you to review our list of questions to see if your situation might be caused by foreign government policies, practices, and procedures which we address.

If you do not find your trade problem in this trade barrier list, please review the general trade problem list to assist in finding the appropriate resource to help you with your trade complaint. Specialists in the programs offered by other parts of the United States Government have the expertise and resources available to help you with problems or questions that may be outside the scope of the Trade Agreements Compliance Program.