Suriname Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation Treaty
Netherlands treaty applicable to Suriname:
On November 25, 1975, Suriname became an independent state. In a note dated November 29, 1975, to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the Prime Minister made a statement reading in part as follows:
"The Government of the Republic of Surinam, conscious of the desirability of maintaining existing legal relationship, and conscious of its obligation under International Law to honour its treaty commitments, acknowledges that treaty rights and obligations of the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in respect of Surinam were succeeded by the Republic of Surinam upon Independence by virtue of customary International Law."
"Since, however, it is likely that by virtue of customary International Law certain treaties may have lapsed at the date of Independence of Surinam, it seems essential that each treaty should be subjected to legal examination. It is proposed after this examination has been completed, to indicate which, if any, of the treaties which may have lapsed by customary International Law the Government of the Republic of Surinam wish to treat as having lapsed."
"It is desired that it be presumed that each treaty has been legally succeeded to by the Republic of Surinam and that action be based upon this presumption until a decision is reached that it should be regarded as having lapsed. Should the Government of the Republic of Surinam be of the opinion it has legally succeeded to a treaty but subsequently wish to terminate its operation, the Government will in due course give notice of termination in the terms thereof."
Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation, with protocol and exchange of notes between the United States and the Netherlands, signed at The Hague March 27, 1956, applicable to Suriname February 10, 1963 (8 UST 2043, TIAS 3942; 285 UNTS 231)
View Netherlands Friendship, Commerce and Navigation Treaty
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