E N F O R C E M E N T   AND   C O M P L I A N C E

Taiwan Medical Device Issue: List Of Principles

Final positions of U.S. and Taiwan delegation at the conclusion of meetings. 09/28/96 6:00 PM

U.S. - Taiwan Medical Device Issue

List of Principles

National Treatment

_ NHIB will treat foreign suppliers no less favorably than domestic suppliers under its reimbursement policies.

_ Import costs are not an appropriate basis for determining reimbursement price.

_ Except in the most limited circumstances, foreign reference price are not appropriate in determining the price of existing products.

_ [ Foreign reference prices may be one of the considerations for determining prices of new products]- Taiwan proposal not accepted.

_ NHIB will carefully consider the use of foreign reference prices for determining the prices of new products in the context of its national treatment obligations.


_ NHIB reimbursement rules will be made available in advance to all interested parties.


_ NHIB's Medical Products Pricing Committee and its Ad Hoc Experts Panel, on a reasonable basis, will be open to participation by manufacturers or their representatives.


_ NHIB has the right to decide whether a particular product is appropriate to be included in the insurance benefit package.

_ Products included in the benefit package should be listed for reimbursement within known time frames.

_ Price changes should be made at regular, known intervals.

_ NHIB recognizes the need for predictability of price changes for medical devices, and will take measures toward improving predictability.


_ Prices should reflect the relative value of technology, taking into consideration functional categories. Manufacturers are responsible for demonstrating this relative value.

_ Prices should be market based. Manufacturers should provide necessary information on market conditions for their products.

_ Functional categories, once established, will be reviewed regularly to reflect advances in technology.


_ Both sides will meet when necessary to review the implementation of these principles.

_ If the understanding of the two parties on these principles is different, either side can request further consultations on these principles.

_ Upon request, the U.S. side will share all available information on medical device reimbursement and pricing policies of health insurance systems in various countries.

Cost Containment

_ Cost containment is a primary consideration for NHIB. The NHIB will takes measures towards conducting payment reform, such as case payment, lump sum payment, and global budget.

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