E N F O R C E M E N T   AND   C O M P L I A N C E

Japan Friendship Commerce And Navigation Treaty (1953)


TIAS, 2863 April 2, 1953

Treaty and Protocol between the




Signed at Tokyo April 9, 1953

Ratification advised by the Senate of the United States of America, with a reservation. July 21, 1953

Ratified by the President of the United States of America, subject to said reservation September 15, 1953

Ratified by Japan, with a reservation, September 2, 1953

Ratifications exchanged at Washington September 30. 1953

Proclaimed by the President of the United States of America November 4. 1953

Entered into force October 30, 1953



Whereas a treaty of friendship, commerce and navigation between the United States of America and Japan, together with a protocol relating thereto, was signed at Tokyo on April 4. 1953, the originals of which treaty and protocol, in the English and Japanese languages, are word for word as follows:







The United States of America and, Japan, desirous of strengthening the bonds of peace and friendship traditionally existing between them and of encouraging closer economic and cultural relations between their peoples, and being cognizant of the contributions which may be made toward these ends by arrangements promoting mutually advantageous commercial intercourse, encouraging mutually beneficial investments and establishing mutual rights and privileges, have resolved to conclude a Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation, based in general upon the principles of national and of most-favored-nation treatment unconditionally accorded, and for that purpose have appointed as their Plenipotentiaries the United States of America: Robert Murphy, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to Japan, and Japan: Katsuo Okazaki, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan, Who, having communicated to each other their full powers found to be in due form, have agreed upon the following Articles:

Article I

1. Nationals of either Party shall be permitted to enter the territories of the other Party and to remain therein: (a) for the purpose of carrying on trade between the territories of the two Parties and engaging in related commercial activities: (b) for the purpose of developing and directing the operations of an enterprise in which they have invested, or in which they are actively in the process of investing, a substantial amount of capital: and (c) for other purposes subject to the laws relating to the entry and sojourn of aliens.

2. Nationals of either Party shall be permitted to enter the territories of the other party and to remain therein: (a) to travel therein freely, and to reside at places of their choice: (b) to enjoy liberty of conscience: (c) to hold both private and public religious services: (d) to gather and to transmit material for dissemination to the public abroad: and (e) to communicate with other persons inside and outside such territories by mail, telegraph and other means open to general public use.

3. The provisions of the present Article shall be subject to the right of either Party to apply measures that are necessary to maintain public order and protect the public health, morals and safety.

Article II

1. The nationals of either Party within the territories of the other Party shall be free from unlawful molestations of every kind, and shall receive the most constant protection and security, in no case less than that required by international law.

2. If, within the territories of either Party, a national of the other Party is taken into custody, the nearest consular representative of his country shall on the demand of such national be immediately notified. Such national shall: (a) receive reasonable and humane treatment: (b) be formally and immediately informed of the accusations against him: (e) be brought to trial as promptly as is consistent with the proper preparation of his defense: and (d) enjoy all means reasonably necessary to his defense, including the services of competent counsel of his choice.

Article III

1. Nationals of either Party should be accorded national treatment in the application of laws and regulations within the territories of the other Party that establish a pecuniary compensation. or other benefit or service, on account of disease, injury or death arising out of and in the course of employment or due to the nature of employment.

2. In addition to the rights and privileges provided in paragraph 1 of the present Article, nationals of either Party shall, within the territories of the other Party, be accorded national treatment in the application of laws and regulations establishing compulsory systems of social security, under which benefits are paid without an individual test of financial need: (a) against loss of wages or earnings due to old age, unemployment, sickness or disability, or (b) against loss of financial support due to the death of father, husband or other person on whom such support had depended.

Article IV

1. Nationals and companies of either Party shall be accorded national treatment and most-favored-nation treatment with respect to access to the courts of justice and to administrative tribunals and agencies within the territories of the other Party, in all degrees of jurisdiction both in pursuit and in defense of their rights. It is understood that companies of either Party not engaged in activities within the territories of the other Party shall enjoy such access therein without registration or similar requirements.

2. Contracts entered into between nationals and companies of either Party and nationals and companies of the other Party, that provide for the settlement by arbitration of controversies, shall not be deemed unenforceable within the territories or such other Party merely on the grounds that the place designated for the arbitration proceeding is outside such territories or that the nationality of one or more of the arbitrators is not that of such other Party. Awards duly rendered pursuant to any such contracts, which are final and enforceable under the laws of the place where rendered, shall be deemed conclusive in enforcement proceedings brought before the courts of competent jurisdiction of either Party, and shall be entitled to be declared enforceable by such courts, except where found contrary to public policy. When so declared, such awards shall be entitled to privileges and measures of enforcement appertaining to awards rendered locally. It is understood, however. that awards rendered outside the United States of America shall be entitled in any court in any State thereof only to the same measure of recognition as awards rendered in other States thereof.

Article V

1. Neither Party shall take unreasonable or discriminatory measures that would impair the legally acquired rights or interests within its territories of nationals and companies of the other Party in the enterprises which they have established, in their capital. or in the skills, arts or technology which they have supplied: nor shall either Party unreasonably impede nationals and companies of the other Party on equitable terms the capital, skills, arts and technology it needs for its economic development.

2. The Parties undertake to cooperate in furthering the interchange and use of scientific and technical knowledge, particularly in the interests of increasing productivity and improving standards of living within their respective territories.

Article VI

1. Property of nationals and companies of either Party shall receive the most constant protection and security within the territories of the other Party.

2. The dwellings, offices, warehouses, factories and other premises of nationals and companies of either Party located within the territories of the other Party shall not be subject to unlawful entry or molestation. Official searches and examinations of such premises and their contents, when necessary, shall be made only according to law and with careful regard for the convenience of the occupants and the conduct of business.

3. Property of nationals and companies of either Party shall not be taken within the territories of the other Party except for a public purpose, nor shall it be taken without the prompt payment of just compensation. Such compensation shall be in an effectively realizable form and shall represent the full equivalent of the property taken: and adequate provision shall have been made at or prior to the time of taking for the determination and payment thereof.

4. Nationals and companies of either Party shall in no case be accorded, within the territories of the other Party, less than national treatment and most-favored-nation treatment with respect to the matters set forth in paragraphs 2 and 3 of the present Article. Moreover, enterprises in which nationals and companies of either Party have a substantial interest shall be accorded, within the territories of the other Party, not less than national treatment and most-favored-nation treatment in all matters relating to the taking of privately owned enterprises into public ownership and to the placing of such enterprises under public control.

Article VII

1. Nationals and companies of either Party shall be accorded national treatment with respect to engaging in all types of commercial. industrial, financial and other business activities within the territories of the other Party, whether directly or by agent or through the medium of any form of lawful juridical entity. Accordingly, such nationals and companies shall be permitted within such territories: (a) to establish and maintain branches, agencies, offices, factories and other establishments appropriate to the conduct of their business; (b) to organize companies under the general company laws of such other Party, and to acquire majority interests in companies of such other Party, and (c) to control and manage enterprises which they have established or acquired. Moreover, enterprises which they control, whether in the form of individual proprietorships, companies or otherwise, shall, in all that relates to the conduct of the activities thereof, be accorded treatment no less favorable than that accorded like enterprises controlled by nationals and companies of such other Party.

2. Each Party reserves the right to limit the extent to which aliens may within its territories establish, acquire interests in, or carry on public utilities enterprises or enterprises engaged in shipbuilding, air or water transport, banking involving depository or fiduciary functions, or the exploitation of land or other natural resources. However, new limitations imposed by either Party upon the extent to which aliens are accorded national treatment, with respect to carrying on such activities within its territories, shall not be applied as against enterprises which are engaged in such activities therein at the time such new limitations are adopted and which are owned or controlled by nationals and companies of the other Party. Moreover, neither Party shall deny to transportation, communications and banking companies of the other Party the right to maintain branches and agencies to perform functions necessary for essentially international operations in which they are permitted to engage.

3. The provisions of paragraph 1 of the present Article shall not prevent either Party from prescribing special formalities in connection with the establishment of alien-controlled enterprises within its territories: but such formalities may not impair the substance of the rights set forth in said paragraph.

4. Nationals and companies of either Party, as well as enterprises controlled by such nationals and companies, shall in any event be accorded most-favored-nation treatment with reference to the matters treated in the present Article.

Article VIII

1. Nationals and companies of either Party shall be permitted to engage, within the territories of the other Party, accountants and other technical experts, executive personnel, attorneys, agents and other specialists of their choice. Moreover, such nationals and companies shall be permitted to engage accountants and other technical experts regardless of the extent to which they may have qualified for the practice of a profession within the territories of such other Party, for the particular purpose of making examinations, audits and technical investigations exclusively for, and rendering reports to, such nationals and companies in connection with the planning and operation of their enterprises. and enterprises in which they have a financial interest, within such territories.

2. Nationals of either Party shall not be barred from practicing the professions within the territories of the other Party merely by reason of their alienage; but they shall be permitted to engage in professional activities therein upon compliance with the requirements regarding qualifications, residence and competence that are applicable to nationals of such other Party.

3. Nationals and companies of either Party shall be accorded national treatment and most-favored-nation treatment with respect to engaging in scientific, educational, religious and philanthropic activities within the territories of the other Party, and shall be accorded the right to form associations for that purpose under the laws of such other Party.

Article IX

1. Nationals and companies of either Party shall be accorded within the territories of the other Party: (a) national treatment with respect to leasing land, buildings and other immovable property appropriate to the conduct of activities in which they are permitted to engage pursuant to Articles VII and VIII and for residential purposes, and with respect to occupying and using such property: and (b) other rights in immovable property permitted by the applicable laws of the other Party.

2. Nationals and companies of either Party shall be accorded within the territories of the other Party national treatment and most-favored nation treatment with respect to acquiring, by purchase, lease. or otherwise, and with respect to owning and possessing, movable property of all kinds, both tangible and intangible. However. either Party may impose restrictions on alien ownership of materials dangerous from the standpoint of public safety and alien ownership of interests in enterprises carrying on the activities listed in the first sentence of paragraph of Article VII, but only to the extent that this can be done without impairing the rights and privileges secured by Article VII or by other provisions of the present Treaty.

3. Nationals and companies of either Party shall be permitted freely to dispose of property within the territories of the other Party with respect to the acquisition of which through testate or intestate succession their alienate has prevented them from receiving national treatment. and they shall be permitted a term of at least five years in which to effect such disposition.

4. Nationals and companies of either Party shall be accorded within the territories of the other Party national treatment and most-favored-nation treatment with respect to disposing of property of all kinds.

Article X

1. Nationals and companies of either party shall be accorded, within the territories of the other Party, national treatment and most-favored-nation treatment with respect to obtaining and maintaining patents of invention, and with respect to rights in trade marks, trade names, trade labels and industrial property of every kind.

Article XI

1. Nationals of either Party residing within the territories of the other Party, and nationals and companies of either Party engaged in trade or other gainful pursuit or in scientific, educational religious or philanthropic activities within the territories of the other Party, shall not be subject to the payment of taxes, fees or charges imposed or applied to income, capital transactions, activities or any other object, or to requirements with respect to the levy and collection thereof, within the territories of such other Party, more burdensome than those borne by nationals and companies of such other Party.

2. With respect to nationals of either Party who are neither resident nor engaged in trade or other gainful pursuit within the territories of the other Party, and with respect to companies of either Party which are not engaged in trade or other gainful pursuit within the territories of the other Party, it shall be the aim of such other Party to apply in general the principle set forth in paragraph 1 of the present Article.

3. Nationals and companies of either Party shall in no case be subject within the territories of the other Party, to the payment of taxes, fees or charges imposed upon or applied to income, capital, transactions, activities or any other object, or to requirements with respect to the levy and collection thereof, more burdensome than those borne by nationals, residents and companies of any third country.

4. In the case of companies of either Party engaged in trade or other gainful pursuit within the territories of the other Party. and in the case of nationals of either Party engaged in trade or other gainful pursuit within the territories of the other Party but not resident therein, such other Party shall not impose or apply any tax, fee or charge upon any income, capital or other basis in excess of that reasonably allocable or apportionable to its territories, nor grant deductions and exemptions less than those reasonably allocable or apportionable to its territories and comparable rules shall apply also in the case of companies organized and operated exclusively for scientific, educational. religious or philanthropic purposes.

5. Each Party reserves the right to: (a) extend specific tax advantages on the basis of reciprocity; (b) accord special tax advantages by virtue of agreements for the avoidance of double taxation or the mutual protection of revenue: and (c) accord to its own nationals and to residents of contiguous countries more favorable exemptions of a personal nature with respect to income taxes and inheritance taxes than are accorded to other non-resident persons.

Article XII

1. Nationals and companies of either Party shall be accorded by the other Party national treatment and most-favored-nation treatment with respect to payments, remittances and transfers of funds or financial instruments between the territories of the two Parties as well as between the territories of such other Party and of any third country.

2. Neither Party shall impose exchange restrictions as defined in paragraph 5 of the present Article except to the extent necessary to prevent its monetary reserves from falling to a very low level or to effect a moderate increase in very low monetary reserves. It is understood that the provisions of the present Article do not alter the obligations either Party man have to the International Monetary Fund or preclude imposition of particular restrictions whenever the Fund specifically authorizes or requests a Party to impose such particular restrictions.

3. If either Party imposes exchange restrictions in accordance with paragraph 4 above, it shall, after making whatever provision may be necessary to assure the availability of foreign exchange for goods and services essential to the health and welfare of its people. make reasonable provision for the withdrawal, in foreign exchange in the currency of the other Party of: (a) the compensation referred to in Article VI, paragraph 3, of the present Treaty. ( b) earnings, whether in the form of salaries, interest, dividends, commissions, royalties, payments for technical services, or otherwise, and (c) amounts for amortization of loans, depreciation of direct investments, and capital transfers, giving consideration to special needs for other transactions. If more than one rate of exchange is in force, the rate applicable to such withdrawals shall be a rate which is specifically approved by the International Monetary Fund for such transactions or, in the absence of a rate so approved. an effective rate which, inclusive of any taxes or surcharges on exchange transfers, is just and reasonable.

4. Exchange restrictions shall not be imposed by either Party in a manner unnecessarily detrimental or arbitrarily discriminatory to the claims, investments, transport, trade, and other interests of the nationals and companies of the other Party, nor to the competitive position thereof.

5. The term "exchange restrictions" as used in the present Article includes all restrictions, regulations, charges, taxes, or other requirements imposed by either Party which burden or interfere with payments, remittances, or transfers of funds or of financial instruments between the territories of the two Parties.

Article XIII

Commercial travelers representing nationals and companies of either Party engaged in business within the territories thereof shall, upon their entry into and departure from the territories of the other Party and during their sojourn therein, be accorded most-favored nation treatment in respect of the customs and other matters, including, subject to the exceptions in paragraph 5 of Article XI, taxes and charges applicable to them, their samples and the taking of orders, and regulations governing the exercise of their functions.

Article XIV

1. Each Party shall accord most-favored-nation treatment to products of the other Party, from whatever place and by whatever type of carrier arriving, and to products destined for exportation to the territories of such other Party, by whatever route and by whatever type of carrier, with respect to customs duties and charges of any kind imposed on or in connection with importation or exportation or imposed on the international transfer of payments for imports or exports, and with respect to the method of levying such duties and charges, and with respect to all rules and formalities in connection with importation and exportation.

2. Neither Party shall impose restrictions or prohibitions on the importation of any product of the other Party, or on the exportation of any product to the territories of the other Party, unless the importation of the like product of, or the exportation of the like product to, all third countries is similarly restricted or prohibited.

3. If either Party imposes quantitative restrictions on the importation or exportation of any product in which the other Party has an important interest: a) It shall as a general rule give prior public notice of the total amount of the product, by quantity or value, that may be imported or exported during a specified period, and of any change in such amount or period: and b) If it makes allotments to any third country, it shall afford such other Party a share proportionate to the amount of the product, by quantity or value, supplied by or to it during a previous representative period, due consideration being given to any special factors affecting the trade in such product.

4. Either Party may impose prohibitions or restrictions on sanitary or other customary grounds of a noncommercial nature, or in the interest of preventing deceptive or unfair practices, provided such prohibitions or restrictions do not arbitrarily discriminate against the commerce of the other Party.

5. Nationals and companies of either Party shall be accorded national treatment and most-favored-nation treatment by the other Party with respect to all matters relating to importation and exportation.

6. The provisions of the present article shall not apply to advantages accorded by either Party: (a) to products of its national fisheries: (b) to adjacent countries in order to facilitate frontier traffic: or (c) by virtue of a customs union or free-trade area of which it may become a member, so long as it informs the other Party of its plans and accords such other Party adequate opportunity for consultation.

7. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs 2 and 3 (b) of the present Article, a Party may apply restrictions or controls on importation and exportation of goods that have effect equivalent to, or which are necessary to make effective, exchange restrictions applied pursuant to Article XII. However, such restrictions or controls shall depart no more than necessary from the aforesaid paragraphs and shall be conformable with a policy designed to promote the maximum development of nondiscriminatory foreign trade and to expedite the attainment both of a balance-of-payments position and of monetary reserves which will obviate the necessity of such restrictions.

Article XV

1. Each Party shall promptly publish regulations and administrative rulings of general application pertaining to rates of duty, taxes or other charges, to the classification of articles for customs purposes, and to requirements or restrictions on imports and exports or the transfer of payments therefor, or affecting their sale, distribution or use; and shall administer such laws, regulations and rulings, in a uniform, impartial and reasonable manner. As a general practice, new administrative requirements or restrictions affecting imports, with the exception of those imposed on sanitary grounds or for reasons of public safety, shall not go into effect before the expiration of 30 days after publication, or alternatively, shall not apply to products en route at time of publication.

2. Each Party shall provide an appeals procedure under which nationals and companies of the other Party, and importers of products of such other Party, shall be able to obtain prompt and impartial review, and correction when warranted, of administrative action relating to customs matters, including the imposition of fines and penalties, confiscations, and rulings on questions of customs classification and valuation by the administrative authorities. Penalties imposed for infractions of the customs and shipping laws and regulations concerning documentation shall, in cases resulting from clerical errors when good faith can be demonstrated, be no greater than necessary to serve merely as a warning.

3. Neither Party shall impose any measure of a discriminatory nature that hinders or prevents the importer or exporter of products of either country from obtaining marine insurance on such products in companies of either Party. The present paragraph is subject to the provisions of Article XII.

Article XVI

1. Products of either Party shall be accorded, within the territories of the other Party, national treatment and most-favored-nation treatment in all matters affecting internal taxation, sale, distribution, storage and use.

2. Articles produced by nationals and companies of either Party within the territories of the other Party, or by companies of the latter Party controlled by such nationals and companies, shall be accorded therein treatment no less favorable than that accorded to like articles of national origin by whatever person or company produced, in all matters affecting exportation, taxation, sale, distribution, storage and use.

Article XVII

1. Each Party undertakes (a) that enterprises owned or controlled exclusively by its Government, and that monopolies or agencies granted exclusive or special privileges within its territories, shall make their purchases and sales involving either imports or exports affecting the commerce of the other Party solely in accordance with commercial considerations, including price, quality, availability, marketability, transportation and other conditions of purchase or sale: and (b) that the nationals, companies and commerce of such other Party shall be afforded adequate opportunity, in accordance with customary business practice, to compete for participation in such purchases and sales.

2. Each Party shall accord to the nationals, companies and commerce of the other Party fair and equitable treatment, as compared with that accorded to the nationals and commerce of any third country, with respect to: (a) the governmental purchase of supplies, (b) the awarding of concessions and other government contracts, and(e)the sale of any service sold by the Government or by any monopoly or agency granted exclusive or special privileges.

Article XVIII

1. The two Parties agree that business practices which restrain competition, limit access to markets or foster monopolistic control, and which are engaged in or mad effective by one or more private or public commercial enterprises or by combination, agreement or other arrangement among such enterprises, may have harmful effects upon commerce between their respective territories. Accordingly, each Party agrees upon the request of the other Party to consult with respect to any such practices and to take such measures as it deems appropriate with a view to eliminating such harmful effects.

2. No enterprise of either Party, including corporations. associations, and government agencies and instrumentalities, which is publicly owned or controlled shall, if it engages in commercial. Industrial, shipping or other business activities within the territories of the other Party, claim or enjoy, either for itself or for its property, immunity therein from taxation. suit, execution of judgment or other liability to which privately owned and controlled enterprises are subject therein.

Article XIX

1. Between the territories of the two Parties there shall be freedom of commerce and navigation.

2. Vessels under the flag of either Party, and carrying the papers required by its law in proof of nationality, shall be deemed to be vessels of that Party both on the high seas and within the ports, places and waters of the other Party.

3. Vessels of either Party shall have liberty, on equal terms with vessels of the other Party and on equal terms with vessels of any third country, to come with their cargoes to all ports, places and waters of such other Party open to foreign commerce and navigation. Such vessels and cargoes shall in all respects be accorded national treatment and most-favored-nation treatment within the ports, places and waters of such other Party.

4. Vessels of either Party shall be accorded national treatment and most-favored-nation treatment by the other Party with respect to the right to carry all products that may be carried by vessel to or from the territories of such other Party: and such products shall be accorded treatment no less favorable than that accorded to like products carried in vessels of such other Party, with respect to: (a) duties and charges of all kinds, (b) the administration of the customs. and (c) bounties, drawbacks and other privileges of this nature.

5. Vessels of either Party, in case of shipwreck, stranding, or of being forced to put into the ports, places and waters of the other Party, whether or not open to foreign commerce and navigation, shall enjoy the same assistance and protection as are in like cases enjoyed by vessels of such other Party or of any third country, and shall not be subject to any duties or charges other than those which would be payable in like circumstances by vessels of such other Party or of any third country. The cargoes of such vessels of either Party and all articles salvaged from them shall be exempt from customs duties unless entered for consumption within the territories of the other Party; but articles not entered for consumption may be subject to measures for the protection of the revenue pending their exit from the country.

6. Notwithstanding any other provision of the present Treaty, each Party may reserve exclusive rights and privileges to its own vessels with respect to the coasting trade, national fisheries and inland navigation, or may admit foreign vessels thereto only on n reciprocity basis.

7. The term "vessels", as used herein, means all types of vessels, whether privately owned or operated, or publicly owned or operated; but this term does not, except with reference to paragraphs 2 and 5 of the present Article, include fishing vessels or vessels of war.

Article XX

There shall be freedom of transit through the territories of each Party by the routes most convenient for international transit: (a) for nationals of the other Party. together with their baggage; (b) for other persons, together with their baggage, en route to or from the territories of such other Party; and(c) for products of any origin en route to or from the territories of such other Party. Such persons and things in transit shall be exempt from customs duties, from duties imposed by reason of transit, and from unreasonable charges and requirements; and shall be free from unnecessary delays and restrictions. They shall, however, be subject to measures referred to in paragraph 3 of Article I, and to nondiscriminatory regulations necessary to prevent abuse of the transit privilege.

Article XXI

1. The present Treaty shall not preclude the application of measures: (a) regulating the importation or exportation of gold or silver; (b) relating to fissionable materials, to radioactive by-products of the utilization or processing thereof, or to materials that are the source of fissionable materials; (c) regulating the production of or traffic in arms, ammunition and implements of war, or traffic in other materials carried on directly or indirectly for the purpose of supplying a military establishment; (d) necessary to fulfill the obligations of a Party for the maintenance or restoration of international peace and security, or necessary to protect its essential security interests; and (e) denying to any company in the ownership or direction of from which nationals of any third country or countries have directly or indirectly the controlling interest, the advantages of the present Treaty, except with respect to recognition of juridical status and with respect to access to courts of justice and to administrative tribunals and agencies.

2. The most-favored-nation provisions of the present Treaty relating to the treatment of goods shall not apply to advantages accorded by the United States of America or its Territories and possessions to one another, to the Republic of Cuba, to the Republic of the Philippines, to the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands or to the Panama Canal Zone.

3. The provisions of the present Treaty relating to the treatment each of goods shall not preclude action by either Party which is required or specifically permitted by the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (TIAS 1700: 61 Stats., pts 5 and 6) during such time as such Party is a contracting party to the General Agreement. Moreover, either Party may withhold advantages negotiated under the aforesaid Agreement from those countries which by their own choice are not contracting parties thereto.

4. Nationals of either Party admitted into the territories of the other Party for limited purposes shall not enjoy rights to engage in gainful occupations in contravention of limitations expressly imposed, according to law, as a condition of their admittance.

5. Nothing in the present Treaty shall be deemed to grant or imply any right to engage in political activities.

Article XXII

1. The term 'national treatment'' means treatment accorded within the territories of a Party upon terms no less favorable than the treatment accorded therein, in like situations, to nationals, companies, products, vessels or other objects, as the case may be, of such Party.

2. The term "most-favored-nation treatment" means treatment accorded within the territories of a Party upon terms no less favorable than the treatment accorded therein, in like situations, to nationals, companies, products, vessels or other objects, as the case may be, of any third country.

3. As used in the present Treaty the term companies" means corporations, partnerships, companies and other associations, whether or not with limited liability and whether or not for pecuniary profit. Companies constituted under applicable laws and regulations within the territories of either party shall be deemed companies thereof and shall have their juridical status recognized within the territories of the other party.

4. National treatment accorded under the provisions of the present Treaty to companies of Japan shall, in any State, Territory or possession of the United States of America, be the treatment accorded therein to companies organized in other States, Territories, and possessions of the United States of America.

Article XXIII

The territories to which the present Treaty extends shall comprise all areas of land and water under the sovereignty or authority of each Party, other than the Panama Canal Zone and the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, except to the extent that the President of the United States of America shall by proclamation extend provisions of the Treaty to such Trust Territory.

Article XXIV

1. Each Party shall accord sympathetic consideration to, and shall afford adequate opportunity for consultation regarding, such representations as the other Party may make with respect to any matter affecting the operation of the present Treaty.

2. Any dispute between the Parties as to the interpretation or application of the present Treaty, not satisfactorily adjusted by diplomacy, shall be submitted to the International Court of Justice, unless the Parties agree to settlement by some other pacific means.

Article XXV

1. The present Treaty shall be ratified, and the ratifications thereof shall be exchanged at Washington as soon as possible.

2. The present Treaty shall enter into force one month after the day of exchange of ratifications. It shall remain in force for ten years and shall continue in force thereafter until terminated as provided herein.

3. Either Party may, by giving one year's written notice to the other Party, terminate the present Treaty at the end of the initial ten-year period or at any time thereafter.

In witness whereof the respective plenipotentiaries have signed the present Treaty and have affixed hereunto their seals.

Done in duplicate, in the English and Japanese languages, both equally authentic, at Tokyo, this second day of April, one thousand nine hundred fifty three.





At the time of signing the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation between the United States of America and Japan the undersigned Plenipotentiaries, duly authorized by their respective Governments, have further agreed on the following provisions, which shall be considered integral parts of the aforesaid Treaty:

1. The term "access to the courts of justice and to administrative tribunals and agencies" as used in Article IV, paragraph 1, comprehends, among other things, legal aid and security for costs and judgment.

2. The provisions of Article VI, paragraph 3, providing for the payment of compensation shall extend to interests held directly or indirectly by nationals and companies of either Party in property which is taken within the territories of the other Party.

3. The term "public utility enterprises" as used in Article VII, paragraph 2, is deemed to include enterprises engaged in furnishing communications services, water supplies, transportation by bus, truck or rail, or in manufacturing and distributing gas or electricity, to the general public.

4. With reference to Article VII, paragraph 4, either Party may require that rights to engage in mining shall be dependent on reciprocity. Furthermore, Japan shall not be obliged by the terms of that paragraph to accord to enterprises of nationals and companies of the United States of the types mentioned in the first sentence of paragraph of Article VII more favorable treatment than that accorded by the State or Territory of the United States of America in which such national is domiciled, or pursuant to the laws of which such company is organized, or in which, if such company is organized under Federal law, such company has its principal office, to the enterprises of nationals and companies of Japan.

5. The provisions of Article VIII, paragraph 2, shall not extend to the professions of notary public and port pilot.

6. Either Party may impose restrictions on the introduction of foreign capital as may be necessary to protect its monetary reserves as provided in Article XII, paragraph 2.

7. With reference to Article XIV, paragraph 4, it is understood that either Party, acting in accordance with its laws, may prohibit the importation into its territory, or seize, or otherwise restrict or regulate the sale of any goods with respect to which there has been failure to comply with marking requirements established to assure that the true geographic or commercial origin of such goods is correctly represented. Furthermore, each Party agrees to take appropriate steps to prevent misrepresentations, direct or indirect, that goods produced or sold in or exported from its territory originated within the territory of the other Party or any distinctive place within such territory.

8. During periods of emergency resulting in reduced availabilities of industrial raw materials and basic foodstuffs, the provisions of Article XVI, paragraph l, of the present Treaty shall not prevent the application by either Party of needed controls over the internal sale, distribution or use of imported articles of categories which may be in short supply, other than or different from controls applied with respect to like articles of national origin. If imposed, such controls shall be applied by either Party in such a manner as to minimize injury to the competitive position within its territories of the commerce of the other Party, and shall be continued no longer than required by the supply situation.

9. Notwithstanding the national treatment provisions of Article XVI, paragraph l, a Party may maintain screen quota regulations that require the exhibition of cinematograph films of national origin during a specified minimum portion of the screen time actually utilized by exhibitors for the commercial exhibition of all films. Screen quotas shall be computed on the basis of screen time per theatre per year or the equivalent thereof, and shall be subject to consultation.

l0. It is understood that for the purposes of Article XVII, paragraph 1, availability of means of payment is considered to be a commercial consideration.

11. The provisions of Article XVII, paragraph 2 (b) and (c), and of Article XIX, paragraph 4, shall not apply to postal services.

12. The provisions of Article XXI, paragraph 2, shall apply in the case of Puerto Rico regardless of any change that may take place in its political status.

13. Article XXIII does not apply to territories under the authority of either Party solely as a military base or by reason of temporary military occupation or to Nansei Shoto south of 29 degrees north latitude (including the Ryukyu Islands and the Daito Islands), Nanpo Shoto south of Sofu Gan (including the Bonin Islands, Rosario Island and the Volcano Islands) and Parece Vela and Marcus Island, the status of which is provided for in Article 3 of the Treaty of Peace with Japan signed at San Francisco on September 8 1951.[1] (Treaties and Other International Acts Series 2490: 3 UST. pt. 3. P. 3169.)

14. The most-favored-nation treatment provisions of the present Treaty shall not apply with respect to those rights and privileges which may be accorded by Japan to: (a) persons who originated in the territories to which all right, title and claim were renounced by Japan in accordance with Article 2 of the Treaty of Peace with Japan signed at San Francisco on September 8, 1951: or (b) the native inhabitants and vessels of, and trade with, the islands mentioned in Article 3, of the said Treaty of Peace.

15. During a transitional period of three years from the date of the coming into force of the present Treaty, Japan may continue to apply existing restrictions on the purchase by aliens, with yen, of outstanding shares in Japanese enterprises.

In witness whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed this Protocol and have affixed hereunto their seals.

Done in duplicate, in the English and Japanese languages, both equally authentic, at Tokyo, this second day of April, one thousand nine hundred fifty three.



(seal) (seal)

TANC offers these agreements electronically as a public service for general reference. Every effort has been made to ensure that the text presented is complete and accurate. However, copies needed for legal purposes should be obtained from official archives maintained by the appropriate agency.