Mexico Agreement Regarding Test Data Acceptance
Pursuant to article 908(6) and 1304(6) of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the Government of Mexico and the Government of the United States (the Parties) shall allow individual laboratories operating in the territory of one Party, to enter into bilateral agreements for the exchange of product safety test data with individual laboratories operating in the territory of the other Party subject to the following:
1. Laboratories listed in Annex 1 may enter into bilateral agreements pursuant to this Understanding.
2. The scope of test data covered by this Understanding is limited to product safety test of equipment designed or intended to be connected directly or indirectly to a public telecommunication network that is included in the following standards related measures, or any successor standard related measure:
a) in the case of Mexico:
i) NOM-001-SCFI-1993'Aparatos electronic de uso domestico alimentados por diferentes fuentes de energia-requisitos de seguridad y metodos de prueba para la autorizacion de tipo"; and
ii) NOM-016-SCFI-1993 "Aparatos electronic de uso en oficina y alimentados por diferentes fuentes de energia electrica- requisitos de seguridad y metodos de prueba " or
b) in the case of the United States, ANSI/UL 1950 "Information technology equipment including electrical business equipment".
The equipment covered by this Understanding is listed in Annex 2.
3. This Understanding does not alter each Party's criteria and procedures for utilization of test data as part of certification of products, nor each Party's laboratory accreditation procedures. This Understanding acknowledges all Occupational, Safety and Health Administration Procedures (OSHA) in the United States and all the procedures of the Sistema Nacional de Acreditamiento de Laboratorios de Pruebas (SINALP) in Mexico.
4. The laboratories may structure the agreements in any manner they deem appropriate. Any such agreement shall include provisions regarding:
a) written procedures to evaluate and verify test data; and
b) the requirement to keep records that demonstrate that written procedures are followed.
Laboratories may include provisions regarding indemnification. No agreement may contain exclusivity clauses that prohibit a laboratory from entering into similar agreements with other laboratories.
5. Consistent with the provisions of paragraph 3 of this understanding, the competent authorities in each Party shall review and approve the bilateral agreements to ensure their consistency with this Understanding and with product safety certification procedures in their respective territories
6. Once an agreement is concluded and approved, laboratories in the United States may conduct tests in accordance with Mexico's standards and procedures and forward the test results to their Mexican partners. Conversely, laboratories in Mexico may conduct tests in accordance with United States standards and procedures and forward the test results to their United States partners.
7. After reviewing the data, the receiving laboratory will accept the test results in accordance with the receiving laboratory's testing requirements and procedures and in accordance with the terms set forth in the bilateral agreement. Nothing in this Understanding prohibits the receiving laboratory from retesting and evaluating the test data.
8. Once the receiving laboratory has accepted the test results, it will present them to a certifying body to be utilized in accordance with the national laws and regulations.
9. Certifying bodies in the territory of each Party will accord national treatment to test data obtained in the territory of the other Party, pursuant to an agreement under this Understanding, that is treatment no less favorable than test data obtained from laboratories in the territory of the certifying Party. Conformity assessment shall be carried out in accordance with the obligations of Chapter 9 of the NAFTA.
10.The receiving laboratory will assume responsibility for the utilization of test data provided by a partner laboratory.
11.The Parties agree to review and to take the actions they deem appropriate with regard to this Understanding under the Committee on Standards Related Measures of the NAFTA.
12.The annexes to this Understanding may be amended at any time, by mutual agreement of the Parties.
Laboratories accepted or recognized by the Government of the United States of America through OSHA - NRTL to conduct tests in accordance with the ANSI/UL 1950
1. MET Laboratories, Inc. (MET) 1-800-638-6057
914 West Patapsco Avenue
Baltimore, Maryland 21230
2. Inchcape Testing Services NA, Inc. (ITS) 1-800-345-3851
3933 U.S. Route 11
Cortland, New York 13045
3. Communication Certification Laboratory (CCL)
(801) 972-6146
1940 West Alexander Street
Salt Lake City, Utah 84119
4. Canadian Standards Association (CSA)*
(416) 747-4000
178 Rexdale Boulevard
Rexdale (Toronto), Ontario, Canada M9W lR3
5. United States Testing Company, Inc./Califomia Division (UST/CA)
(213) 723-7181
5555 Telegraph Road
Los Angeles, California 90040
6. Wyle Laboratories (WL)
(205) 837-4411
7800 Highway 20 West
P.O. Box 077777
Huntsville, Alabama 35807
7. Entela, Inc. (ENT)
1-800 888-3787
3033 Madison, S.E.
Grand Rapids, Michigan 49548
8. Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL)
(847) 272-8800
333 Pfingsten Road
Northbrook, Illinois 60062
9. TUV Rheinland of North American, Inc. (TUV)
(203) 426-0888
12 Commerce Road
Newton, Connecticut 06470
For the purposes of this Understanding, the Canadian Standards Association is considered as a U.S. laboratory.
Laboratories accepted or recognized by the Government of Mexico, through Direcci6n General de Normas of Secretaria de Comercio y Fomento Industrial, to conduct tests in accordance with the Mexican Official Standards NOM-001-SCFI-1993 or NOM-016-SCFI-1993.
1. Servicios de Andlisis Tecnicos, S.A de C.V.
Nicolas Corpancho No. 364
Col. Lorenzo Boturini
Deleg. Venustiano Carranza.
15820 Mexico, D.F.
Tel. 552.34.78
Fax. 552.34.56
2. Centro de Fiabilidad de Mexico. S.A de C.V.(CEFIME)
Magdalena No. 1 10
Col. Del Valle
Delg. Benito Juarez
03100 Mexico D. F
Tel. 523.25.17
Fax. 523.25.27
3. CALIPO S.A de C.V.
Neptuno No. 297 Esq. Diamante
Fracc. Playa Ensenada
Ensenada Baja California
22880 Mexico
Tel. 91(617) 639 00 / 91(617) 632 30
Fax 91(617) 645 58
4. Camara Nacional de la Industria Electr6nica y de Comunicaciones Ele'ctricas. CANIECE
Culiacan No.71
Col. Hipodromo Condesa
Deleg. Cuauhtemoc
06100 Mexico D.F
Tel. 264.08.08 264.04.17 264.04.06
Fax. 264.04.08
5. Metrologia y Calibraciones Industriales S.A de C.V.
Laboratorio MCI
Calle Diagonal No.27 -Cuarto piso
Col del Valle
03100 Mexico D.F
Tel. 682.80.40 Ext. 414 y 423
Fax. 682.80.40 Ext 404
6. Labotec Mexico S.C
Viaducto Miguel Alemdn No. 81
Col Alamos
Deleg. Benito Juarez
03400 Mexico D.F.
Tel. 530.86.03
7.Hewlett Packard de Mexico S. A. de C. V.
Montemorelos No. 299
Fracc. Loma Bonita, Zapopan Jalisco
45060 Mexico
Tel. 91(3) 631.95.45 y 31.46.00 91(3) 631.66.30 y 31.90.01
FAX. 91(3) 631.43.37
8.lndustrias Radson S. A. de C. V.
Calle Escape No. 34-E
Fracc. Industrial Naucalpan
Naucalpan de Juarez. Edo de Mexico
53370 Mexico
Tel. 576.19.25
Fax. 576.19.25
9. Television del Distrito Federal S. A. de C. V.
Resina No. 287
Col. Granjas Mexico
Del. Iztacalco
08400 Mexico D.F
Tel. 657.10.66 Ext 350
Fax. 657.10.08 657.19.42
10. LEVDMX de B.C S. A. de C. V.
Boulevard Insurgentes No. 20004
Col. La presa.
Tijuana B.C.N
22590 Mexico
Tel. 91(66)25.80. 10 91(66)25.80.24
Fax. 91(66)25.80.10
11. Instrumentos Electronicos.
Privada Tecnologico No. 25
Nogales Sonora
Col. Tecnologico
Tel. 91(631) 4.62.63
12. Inchcape Testing Services de Mexico, S. A. de C. V.
Laboratorio ETL.
Ingenieros Militares No.70
Col. Nueva Argentina
11230 Mexico D.F
Fax. 359.23.96
List of goods covered by the understanding between the Government of and the Government of the United States of America regarding test data accep tance agreements between U.S. and Mexico product safet y testing laboratories
851711.00.00 Line telephone sets with cordless handsets .
851719.40.00 Videophones
851719.80 Other telephone sets:
.20 Single line, without special features, to ne
signaling only
.40 Other single line, without special features,
.50 Single line, with special features, incorporating
an automatic answering device
.70 Other single line, with special features (such as
memory, redial autodial, speaker and the like)
. 80 Multiline (including key, call director, and
con soles)
851721.00.00 Facsimile machines
851722.00.00 Tel eprinters
851730 Telephonic or telegraphic switching apparatus:
15.00 Central office switching apparatu s.
20.00 Private branch exchange switching apparatus
25.00 Electronic key telephone systems
30.00 Othe r telephonic switching apparatus
50.00 Telegraphic s witching apparatus
851750 Apparatus for carrier-cur rent line systems or
digital line systems:
10.00 Modems
50.00 Carrier-current line systems apparatus ,
60.00 Carrier-current line systems a pparatus,
90.00 Telegraphic apparatus for digital line systems
851780.10 Other telephonic apparatus, nesoi
.10 Intercom systems*
.20 Other*
851780.20.00 Other telegraphic apparatus, nesoi
85183 0.10.00 Telephone handsets
851840.10.00 Line telephon y audio-frequency amplifier
852020.00 Telephone answering machines
.40 Announce and record machines
.80 Other
852510.20 Television transmission apparatus
.10 TV apparatus for the reception of satellite signals
.30 Cable and closed-circuit TV transmission
.40 Other
852510.60 Radio transmitters, capable or transmitting on
frequencies. *
.20 Not exceeding 30 MHz
.40 Between 30-400 MHz
.60 Between 400-1000 MHz
.80 Exceeding 1000 M Hz
852510.80.00 Radio transmission apparatus (@ or
radiotelephony.radiotelegraphy, radiotelegraphy,
radiobroadcasting), nesoi *
852520.30 Radio transceivers, other than citizens band (CB) and
low-power radiotelephony, hand-held, for frequencies:
.10 Not exceeding 30 MHz
.15 Between 30' - 400 MHz
.25 Exceeding 400 MHZ
Other transceivers (i.e., not hand held)
.40 Marine VHF-FM
.65 For frequencies not ex ceeding 30 MHZ, other
than amateur
.70 For frequencies between 30 - 400 MHZ
.80 For frequencies exceeding 400-MHz
852520.90 Cellular radiotelephones
. 20 For installation in motor vehicles
.60 Other units weighing over 1 kilogram
.70 Other units weighing I kilogram and under
.80 Transmission apparatus incorporating reception
apparatus, nesoi
852731.05.00 Radio receivers designed for connection to telephonic apparatus, instruments or networks
852790.40.00 Other radio reception apparatus designed for connection to telephonic or telegraphic apparatus or instruments or to telephonic or telegraphic networks.
852790.90 Radio receivers*:
.10 Radio paging receivers
Other radio receivers capable of receiving signals on frequencies*:
.30 Not exceeding 30 MHz, other than CB
.40 Between 30 - 400 MHz
.50 Beween 400 - 1,000 MHz
.60 Exceeding 1,000 MHz
.90 Reception apparatus for radiotelephony, radiotelegraphy or radiobroadcasting, nesoi.
853180.40.00 Paging alert devices (tone-only pagers)
As long as they can be connected directly or indirectly to a public telecommunicationnetwork.
8517.11 -- Conjuntos "base-telefono de abonado" en los que el telefono de abomdo es inalknbrico.
8517.11.01 Conjuntos "base-telefono de abonado" en los que el telefono de abonado es inalknbrico.
8517.19 Los demis.
8517.19.01 De monedas (alcancia) para servicio pdblico, incluso con avisador.
8517.19.02 Los demos telefonos para servicio pfiblico.
8517.19.03 Videofonos en colores.
8517.19.04 Videofonos en blanco y negro u otros monocromos.
8517.19.99 Los demis.
8517.21 Telefax.
8517.21.01 Telefax.
8517.22 Teleimpresores.
8517.22.01 De transmision y/o recepcion, excepto aquellos que pueden funcionar como mdquinas automaticas para el tratamiento de informacion.
8517.22.99 Los demos.
8517.30 Aparatos de conmutacion para telefonia o telegrafia.
8517.30.01 Aparatos de conmutacion para telefonia o telegrafia, reconocibles como concebidos para ser utilizados en centrales de las redes publicas de telecomunicacion.
8517.30.99 Los demos.
8517.50 - Los demos aparatos de telecomunicacion por corriente portadora o telecomunicacion digital.
8517.50.01 Multiplicadores de salida digital o analogica de modems, repetidores digitales de interconexion o conmutadores de interfaz, para intercambio de informacion entre computadoras y equipos terminates de teleproceso.
8517.50.02 Modems, reconocibles como concebidos exclusivamente para lo comprendido en la partida 84.71.
8517.50.03 De telecomunicacion digital, para telefonia.
8517.50.04 De telecomunicacion digital, para telegrafia.
8517.50.99 Los demis.
8517.80 - Los demos aparatos.
8517.80.01 Equipos Carrier sobre lineas de alta tension, para transmision telefonica. (*)
8517.80.02 Aparatos de transmision-recepcion y repeticionpara multiplicacion de camles telefonicos. (*)
8517.80.03 Mesas de atencion para operadora, para centrales telefonicas automaticas. (*)
8517.80.04 Aparatos de estado selido para el bloqueo de acceso al telediscado del aparato del abonado.
8517.80.05 Para telegrafia.
8517.80.99 Los demos. (*)
8518.30.99 Los demos auriculares ( @camente los telefonicos)
8518.40.02 Amplificadores electricos de audiofrecuencia, para operacion sobre linea telefonica.
8520.20.01 Contestadores telefonicos.
8525.10 - Aparatos emisores.
8525.10-02 De television.
8525.10.03 Fijos o moviles en muy alta frecuencia (VHF) de 30 a 180 MHz, en, frecuencia modulada (FM) o amplitud modulada (AM) para radiotelefonia o radiotelegrafia. (*)
8525.10.04 Fijos o moviles, en banda lateral @ca del 1.6 a 30 MHz, con potencia comprendida entre 10 W y 1 KW, inclusive, para radiotelefonia o radiotelegrafia. (*)
8525.10.05 Fijos o moviles en muy alta frecuencia modulada, para radiotelefonia o radiotelegrafia.
8525.10.06 Fijos o moviles en ultra alta frecuencia (UHF) de 300 a 470 MHz, para radiotelefonia o radiotelegrafia. (*)
8525.10.07 Fijos o moviles en ultra alta frecuencia (UHF) de mds de 470 MHz, a 1 GHz, para radiotelefonia o radiotelegrafia. (*)
8525.10.08 Fijos o moviles en super alta frecuencia (SHF) o de microondas de mas de 1 GHz, con capacidad superior a 300 canales telef6nicos o para un canal de television, para radiotelefonia o radiotelegrafia.
8525.10.99 Los demis. (*)
8525.20 Aparatos eniisores con aparato receptor incorporado.
8525.20.01 Fijos o moviles en muy alta frecuencia (VHF), de 30 a 180 MHz, en frecuencia modulada (FM) o amplitud modulada (AM), para radiotelefonfa o radiotelegrafia.
8525.20.04 Fijos o moviles en muy alta frecuencia modulada, para
radiotelefonia o radiotelegrafia. (*)
8525.20.05 Fijos o moviles en ultra alta frecuencia (UHF)de 300 a 470 MHz, para radiotelefonia o radiotelegrafia. (*)
8525.20.06 Fijos o moviles en ultra alta frecuencia (UHF) de mas de 470 MHz a 1 GHz, para radiotelefonia o radiotelegrafia. (*)
8525.20.07 Fijos de VHF, con sintetizador de frecuencia para mis de 500 canales de radiofrecuencia. (*)
8525.20.08 Fijos o moviles en super alta frecuencia (SHF) o de microondas de mds de 1 GHz, con capacidad superior a 300 canales telefonicos o para un canal de television, para radiotelefonia o radiotelegrafia.
8525.20.99 Los demos. (*)
8527.31 -- Combinados con grabador o reproductor de sonido.
8527.31.99 Los demos. (unicatnente los diseiiados para conectarse en aparatos o instrumentos telefonicos o telegraficos; o redes telefonicas o telegraficas.)
8527.90 - Los demis aparatos.
8527.90.01 Fijos o moviles en muy alta frecuencia (VHF) de 30 a 180 MHz, en frecuencia modulada (FM) o amplitud modulada (AM), para radiotelefoiga o radiotelegrafia.
8527.90.02 Fijos o moviles en banda lateral finica de 1.6 a 30 MHz, con potencia comprendida entre 10 W y I KW, inclusive, para radiotelefonia o radiotelegrafia.
8527.90.03 Receptores de radiotelefonia muy alta frecuencia (VHF), de 243 a 250 Mhz. (*)
8527.90.04 Fijos o moviles en ultra alta frecuencia (UHF) de 300 A 470 MHz, para radiotelefonia o radiotelegrafia.
8527.90.05 Fijos o moviles en ultra alta frecuencia (UHF) de mds de 470 MHz, a 1 GHz, para radiotelefonia o radiotelegrafia.
8527.90.06 Receptores, medidores de distancia. (*)
8527.90.07 Fijos o moviles en muy alta frecuencia modulada, para radiotelefonia o radiotelegrafia, excepto lo comprendido en la fraccion 8527.90.03 (*)
8527.90.08 Fijos o moviles en super alta frecuencia (SHF) o de microondas de mas de 1 GHz, con capacidad superior a 300 canales telefonicos o para un canal de television, para telefonfa o telegrafia.
8527.90.99 Los demas. (*)
8531.80.99 Los demos. (unicamente aparatos para Ilamadas de alerm, de tonos)
Slempre y cuando puedan ser conectados directs o indirectamente a una red pebuca de telecomunicaciones.
TANC offers these agreements electronically as a public service for general reference.
Every effort has been made to ensure that the text presented is complete and accurate.
However, copies needed for legal purposes should be obtained from official archives maintained by the appropriate agency.